
                                                                                                     Julia Reed

Julia is a Certified Master in Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Professional Health & Wellness Coach, Assistant, Teacher, Certified PRO-EFT Level III Meridian Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader and Founder of Choice-Work, with extensive experience in project management and administration. She is trained to invite and encourage a fresh understanding, a fresh knowing of your own heart’s passion; she is trained to help you acknowledge and honor and see each of your challenges in a new and empowering light.

As a Polarity Therapist in private practice and at Meadowlark, the oldest Holistic Health Resort in the country, Julia has been exposed to many alternative healing modalities and brings to you knowledge of herbs, flower essences and essential oils along with over thirty years as a vegetarian.

As a cancer survivor, she has been fortunate to live through many physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes so that she can pass the resulting strengths and convictions onto you, to help and encourage what might seem impossible. 

Welcome to Choice-Work!

Julia’s model of change is that it is only as difficult and challenging as we are routed in the belief systems that keep us stuck. Identifying these beliefs allows us to begin to shift and as we do, choices can actually present themselves effortlessly and automatically.  

On a more personal note, Julia is a mother and also very proud grandmother of eight amazing little people. She lives in Sebastopol, California, with her husband. In addition to her work, she loves spending time gardening, creating vegetarian feasts for friends and family, walking through nearby redwood forests, kayaking on the Russian River, watching an amazing mushroom turn tea into life-giving kombucha in her very own kitchen, and especially teaching and sharing her passion - Meridian Tapping - while vacationing in Wyoming, Mexico, Tibet, Nepal and India.

Over the years, Julia has worked with people from of all ages, professions and walks of life. 

She brings an undying enthusiasm and commitment 

to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest, most wonderful dreams; 

to help you find congruency at work, at home, and at play;

to help you tap into your real self. 

Julia has learned that life can only be lived one precious step at a time, 

that each step informs the next and 

that being healthy on all levels provides us with the richest possible opportunity to embrace each moment.

Feel free to contact her by email with any questions you may have. 
She is here to serve you and help you tap into your fullest self.

Meridian Tapping Health Coaching Matrix

Here's to a very exciting journey together!  

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